The Gray Institute_Rebels' Hell Read online

Page 7

  'Took her?' Sirus frowns. 'Hostage?'

  'It's not clear whether it's a hostage situation or whether Miss Gray went willingly.' Malachy replies.

  'And they've been gone three days, you say?'

  'Yes, sir,' Malachy nods. 'Half the Institute Officials are already searching for them, but Sir Alec asked me to stress the importance of the situation to you, and ask that you send our forces after them, too.'

  'Our forces?!' Sirus bellows, slamming his palms down on the desk so hard, the wood almost splinters. 'An escape from an Institute is the headmaster's duty to rectify! Does he really expect me to send the Army after a runaway first year?!'

  'Sir, I think it's more his daughter he's concerned about,' Malachy reasons. 'She has knowledge of Our Kind, she knows locations, names, our history, our laws – '

  'There's no need to remind me,' Sirus' jaw hardens. 'I was the fool who allowed him to keep that girl, against my better judgement and my father's advice. Alec swore to me that he would control her, that he wouldn't let her run off and alert the world to our existence like her mother did. Yet he's failed again and expects me to put things right!'

  'We could always make Sir Alec search for her himself?' I suggest, stepping forward into the candlelight.

  'Don't be ridiculous, Lucrezia,' Father snaps. 'That girl was allowed free with knowledge of Our Kind for two years whilst her mother ran! That was the last time I entrusted Alec to fix his mistakes. No, we shall simply have to send forces after her; the Army can recover her more quickly than any Institute Official, and when she's captured, if she is eighteen, she's to be transformed immediately. If she's yet to come of age, she will be killed. It's what I should have done the first time around.'

  'Yes, sir.' Malachy nods, turning abruptly and heading for the door, eager to get away from our father and the conversation.

  'Sir?' I step forward, sensing Malachy halt behind me. 'What about the first year girl?'

  'What about her?' Father snaps.

  'Is she to be Confined?'

  'Of course she is! Don't ask silly questions, Lucrezia,' He huffs, sitting down at his desk and re-opening his scroll. 'What's the girl's name, anyway?'

  'Ryder, sir. Eve Ryder.'

  'Ryder,' He rubs his chin thoughtfully. 'She can't have been very bright, running off in the middle of her first year with the headmaster's daughter. She won't be much of a loss to the Immortal race.'

  'Actually,' I hear Malachy's voice behind me, the shaking rage barely controlled. I close my eyes, sending a silent message to him, begging him not to say anything stupid. 'Eve – I mean, Ryder – was very bright. A highly gifted student, especially at Practical skills. That's why Sir Alec chose her for the task of convincing his daughter to transform willingly.'

  'Did he now?' Sirus raises an eyebrow, dropping the scroll and returning his full attention to Malachy. 'And Sir Alec told you this?'

  'He asked me – ' Malachy hesitates again, shooting a glance my way. I know what he's thinking, the question he's asking himself: should he do what I advised him to, or not? 'He asked me to watch over Ryder,' He continues. 'As she tried to complete her task. To pass information back to him about Miss Gray.'

  'Really?' Sirus' nostrils flare angrily. 'I must remember to have a little chat with Sir Alec about using my son for his pointless errands. Does he not realise that the weight of the entire Immortal world will eventually rest on your shoulders? That your orders come from I and I alone? What exactly did this little detail involve on your part?'

  'Ensuring that Ryder acted appropriately around Miss Gray. At first I simply had to watch them. But after a time, when Sir Alec was unsatisfied with Ryder's progress, he asked me to become close to her, to gain her trust, and report back the things she told me.'

  'Good Lord, Malachy, did you not have the sense to remind him that you're his future Auctorita? That your time is far too valuable to be spending copious amounts doing his dirty work?' Sirus looks exasperated and doesn't even wait for a reply. 'This Ryder,' He continues. 'How gifted is she? Can she go undetected? Is there even the slightest chance she could evade capture long enough for the human girl to make an impact?'

  'She's – ' Malachy hesitates, torn between his loyalties. If he says that Ryder is gifted enough to evade capture, he's effectively telling Sirus to send a wave of the Army after her. If he says she's not, Sirus might not hunt her so ferociously, but Malachy would be lying about one of Ryder's more attractive qualities.

  'She's extremely gifted, father,' I cut in, making his mind up for him. I want Ryder where she belongs – in the Confine, and the quicker she gets there, the better.

  'Very well,' Sirus nods. 'I'd have been sending heavy manpower after them on account of the Gray girl, but if this Ryder is as gifted as you say, I'll send the best.'

  'Yes, father.' I smile, bowing low and retreating with Malachy towards the exit. On the third step, Sirus' voice rings clear around the oval room, quiet but commanding.


  'Yes, father?' Mal turns, his shoulders tense.

  'If you were spending so much time with the Ryder girl,' Sirus speaks slowly, precisely. 'Why didn't you pick up on her plans for escape?'

  Malachy glances quickly at me but I look away; if Sirus caught us exchanging looks, he'd know something was amiss.

  'I – ' Malachy steps forward, stalling for time. 'I must admit,' He sounds strangled and false. 'She did mention it to me, in passing.'

  'In passing?' Sirus raises a sceptical eyebrow.

  'Yes,' Malachy nods. 'But I dismissed it. It was so casual a conversation, the kind any new Immortal has with someone they think to be their peer. The anguish of being thrust into our world, taken from loved ones and familiar things. It was incoherent and emotional babbling.'

  I stare at Sirus throughout Malachy's speech, watching his face for any of the tell-tale signs of disbelief: the narrowed eyes, the eye-twitch, the pursed lips. He regards Malachy thoughtfully.

  'And she didn't mention a plan to take the Gray girl?'

  'No,' Malachy answers instantly. 'She never said anything about taking Miss Gray. In fact,' He hesitates again. 'Whether as a hostage or by free will, I was surprised that she took Miss Gray at all. I got the feeling she didn't like the human all that much.'

  This time I study Malachy, to see how truthful he's being. But unfortunately for me, ever since the Anzhela incident, Malachy has become adept at hiding his feelings from me – including dishonest guilt. 'Very well, Malachy,' Father replies finally. 'I wouldn't go so far as to say you were blameless in this little fiasco,' He hisses. 'Your naïve trust coupled with your inability to say no have let you down once again. I sincerely hope I succeed in worming those traits out of you, boy, before my reign is passed into your hands.'

  'I apologise, father.' Malachy nods solemnly before being dismissed with a wave of Sirus' hand. As we hurry out of the library, I tug on Malachy's sleeve, urging him to slow down.

  'You did well in there,' I tell him, ignoring his snort of contempt. 'I know it must have been hard admitting your mistakes, but better to be scolded for being a little dense than – '

  'Than implicated in an escape, yes, thank you, Lucrezia.' He scowls, shrugging me off and storming ahead, only to walk straight into our mother.

  'Your business with your father is finished?' She asks him, studying his features closely. He nods silently. 'Excellent,' She beams. 'Now you and your sister can spend some time with the family. You'll stay the night, of course?'

  'I really think we ought to – '

  'Nonsense!' Mother cuts off Malachy's reply. 'You can't go back now, it will get dark soon and these mountains are treacherous.'

  'We're Immortals, mother.' Malachy reminds her with a sigh, reluctantly allowing her to lead him into the Genus Room.

  Chapter Seven


  'He's outside.' I wake Lorna with a violent shake. Her eyes spring open, alarmed, and she jerks backwards, falling off the bed and landing on the floor with a thump

  'What?! Where?! How?!'

  'In the street, standing right in front of the hotel.'

  'But how the hell did he find us?' Lorna looks set to burst into tears.

  'Followed me, I guess.'

  'From the Institute?!'

  I frown, taking in Lorna's appearance, sprawled on the floor. Her eyes are bright and panicked, her pale skin turned blotchy with fear. 'From the harbour. It's Angelo. Angelo is outside.' All night I had felt his presence through the paper thin walls of The Hallows, lurking on the street, lying in wait for me. I knew it was him even before I crept along the dark landing and peered out of the upstairs window to confirm it. He saw me, no doubt about it, stared right back at me as if I was a television screen. 'For fuck's sake, Eve!' Lorna gasps, cursing uncharacteristically. 'I thought Sir Alec had found us! Who the hell is Angelo?'

  'The Immortal I met at the harbour, the one who fed me. He followed me here.' Lorna had fallen asleep early evening, before it even got dark. I'd planned to wake her when it was time to head to the high street, but once I felt his presence, I knew it wasn't safe to leave. I thought we'd wait him out, bide our time, but he doesn't appear to be giving up.

  'What do you think he wants?' Lorna asks, hoisting herself off the floor and back onto her bed. 'D'you think he's with Sir Alec? Or the Auctoritas?'

  'No,' I shake my head. 'We wouldn't still be here if he was. At the harbour yesterday – ' I hesitate. 'I forgot the name I'd given him. It was odd and he definitely picked up on it.'

  'Jesus, Eve!' Lorna shakes her head. 'How many times have you scolded me about remembering what name I give?'

  'Alright, no need to go on,' I huff. 'Anyway, he clearly wants something from me. I think I'm going to have to go out there.'

  'No, you can't!' Lorna panics again. 'What if he abducts you or something? You can't leave me here alone!'

  'Don't be ridiculous. I'll be back as soon as I've told him where to go.' I cross to the door, hoping Lorna can't see how nervous I am. I have no idea who this guy is or what he wants, and I'm not used to dealing with Immortals outside of the Institute. I'm way out of my depth and I know it.

  As I pass the landing window, I glance out to gauge his appearance; I'm unnerved to see that he's stood in the exact same spot he was last night, unmoving, staring back at me.

  The street is a little busier than it was yesterday; he'd be hard pressed to try anything dodgy out here, but I still don't feel safe as I cross the road towards him. His dark eyes bore into mine as he watches me, unsurprised that I've come out to meet him. He even smiles a little as I near him.

  'What do you want?' I get straight to the point, my tone blunt and unfriendly. I don't want him to think that I'm intimidated, or that I have anything to hide. His raises his eyebrows in surprise, and I see that he's mildly offended.

  Perhaps by being so stand-offish I might actually look more suspicious – after all, he did help me yesterday. 'I'm grateful for what you did at the harbour,' I take my tone down a notch. 'But I really don't appreciate being followed. It's a little unsettling to say the least.'

  'I apologise,' He says sincerely, a polite smile returning to his lips. 'I didn't mean to unsettle you. I merely want to talk to you. Perhaps we could do so inside?'

  'I don't think so,' I shake my head resolutely. 'I don't see what more you could have to say to me. We're strangers.' I remind him.

  'In a roundabout way,' He smiles. I open my mouth to reply, possibly to tell him to get lost, but he cuts me off quickly with two words I least expect. 'Eve Ryder.'

  I stare at him, praying I've misheard him. The sounds of the traffic and the passers-by grow quieter as the world seems to tilt to the side. I poise to run but then remember Lorna, still waiting in the hotel room. I can't leave her, but I can't outrun him with her.

  'There's really no need to panic,' He says, though I can barely hear him over the buzz of my frantic thoughts. 'I'm nobody. I'm not with the Army or the Auctoritas, I'm not an Institute Official. I'm not here to capture you, I just want to talk.'

  'So talk.' My voice is croaky with shock and he notices.

  'I think you need to sit down and relax. Let's go inside, I promise I won't harm your human friend.'

  'You won't get near her.' I mean it to sound menacing but my throat is constricted with fear.

  'I can help you,' He insists. 'I know who you are and what you're doing. Come inside with me and I will explain everything. Trust me.'

  I glare into his dark brown eyes, trying desperately to read his intentions. I can't bring him inside to Lorna, it's out of the question. But what other option do I have? I can't run with a human girl in tow, away from an experienced Immortal who knows exactly who I am and where I've come from. Besides, where will I go? I can't leave the coast of New Zealand and I don't know the area like he does. 'I don't trust you,' I tell him firmly. 'And I don't want to invite you inside. But it seems I have no choice. Whilst that may be the case, if you lay a hand on the human girl, I swear I will destroy you.'

  Angelo shoves his hands into his trouser pockets. 'They will remain here for the duration of our visit. I swear to you.'

  Lorna looks like she might actually faint when Angelo follows me through the door into our shabby hotel room. She backs away in fear, glancing from Angelo to me and back again.

  'It's okay, Lorna,' I try to reassure her. 'This is Angelo. He's not with Sir Alec or the Auctoritas. He knows who we are. He says he wants to talk to us.'

  'It's a trap, Eve, are you blind?'

  'It's not a trap,' Angelo shakes his head. 'I promise you. I would shake your hand but I swore to Eve that I would keep them in my pockets at all times around you.'

  'And you'd better,' I grit my teeth. 'We don't have a lot of time and I'm not altogether comfortable with this get together, so maybe you could just say what you came here to say?'

  'Of course,' Angelo nods, sitting down on my bed uninvited. Lorna backs into the corner furthest away from him. 'As I said before, I know who you are. I'm no one of importance in this world, I have a human job and no connections to the Auctoritas or their associates. But I do have a friend who is an Institute Official. Not for The Gray Institute,' He adds quickly when Lorna gives a little gasp. 'He's not even really a friend, more an acquaintance. But we've maintained contact since my days at The Cohen and he told me of your escape.'

  'They know already?' I ask, feeling weak in the knees.

  'Of course. The general public have been kept in the dark for now, but those who need to know have been informed. Given your companion,' He glances at Lorna. 'This isn't being treated like an average escape. It's debatable as to whether the Army might even be sent after you, in which case you have a very limited time-frame.'

  'Tell me something I don't know.' I snap, feeling a prickle of irritation on the nape of my neck.

  'I know of your past,' Angelo speaks directly to Lorna now, who looks like a deer caught in headlights. 'Of your mother's Confinement. You have my deepest sympathies.' I watch Lorna predictably soften, so easily won over. 'My sister was also Confined, many years ago. She didn't adjust to Immortality as well as some,' He looks pained as he speaks, avoiding eye contact. 'She had strong morals, and she couldn't bring herself to bend them, not even to sustain herself. She refused to feed and eventually became so hungry that she attacked a human in broad daylight. Several others witnessed it and fortunately attributed it to drug use, but the Auctoritas took a hard line with her. She willingly endangered our species by revealing herself.' He concludes bitterly. 'I know she never meant any harm, not to humans nor Immortals, but the Auctoritas didn't care. I assume – ' He pauses, rethinking his words. 'I hope, that your escape has something to do with an intent to free your mother. Or that you might at least be thinking about it in terms of the future?'

  Lorna looks to me for answers, and I nod my head slightly. 'Yes,' She croaks, taking a timid step forward. 'I hope to free my mother. If I'm to be hunted down like a fox and eventually killed or returned to Sir Alec, I
want it to have purpose. We plan to – '

  'How do we know we can trust you?' I cut her off, not yet willing to divulge everything to Angelo. I don't know that any of his story is true. If he really is a nobody, what are the odds that someone would tell him of our escape? Especially an Institute Official.

  'I know that you have no means to travel. Given that you left your training early, you weren't supplied with documents or identity. I can help you there.'

  I stare at the stranger perched comfortably on my rented mattress, his eyes full of sincerity, his mouth set in a firm, confident line. 'How?' I frown, unable to keep the intrigue from my tone.

  'I know people,' He waves a hand dismissively, as if it's of little importance. 'I may be nobody but I am very old. I've met a lot of people in my time, human and Immortal alike. I can get you what you need.'